2024-2025 SSDS Fall Season

2024-2025 Pricing

The 2024-2025 SSDS Fall Registration is NOW open !!!

Family Registration Fee - $35.00 per FAMILY (NON-REFUNDABLE) required at the time of registration.

STEPPING STONE DANCE STUDIO requires that you pay any balance due before you can register for classes.

You must complete the online registration to “lock” in your spot to class. Incomplete registration DOES NOT hold your dancer in that class. Please remember there are limited class sizes. (Therefore VENMO cannot be used at the time of registration, you must use a credit/debit card or paypal thru the system).

Basic Class Guidelines:

Predance – 3 years of age (must be potty trained)

Primary I – 4-5 years old

Primary II – 6-7 years old

Level I – 8-11 years old

Level II – 12 & up

Level III – 14 & up

Level IV – 16 & up

Adult Classes – 18 & up

Dance Company – Volunteer (no audition required) Ages 8 & up – 5 classes required (including ballet, jazz, stretch, dance co. and a minimum of one more)


Tuition Rates (Monthly Fees based on a 10 Month Payment Plan)

Tuition is based on a 10 month Payment Plan -   Sept. 2024 through June 2025. This is to allow the same amount paid each month regardless of classes attended.

Tuition is due on the First Class of each month. If you do not attend class you are still responsible to payment regardless of illness, vacation, conflict, etc. Payment is NOT refunded or carried over for the class missed.


Annual Discount (10% tuition discount) - Full Year PAID IN FULL - must be paid by September 30th, 2024

Sibling Discount (10% tuition discount) for all siblings living in the same household – Dancer #1 – pays full tuition price - Each additional sibling receives 10% discount

Military Discount (10% tuition discount) for Active Duty Military & Veterans (Military ID card required)


1 CLASS PER WEEK - $50.00 PER MONTH                              

2 CLASS PER WEEK - $95.00 PER MONTH                              

3 CLASS PER WEEK - $130.00 PER MONTH                            

4 CLASS PER WEEK - $165.00 PER MONTH                            


Payment Options:

Autopay is preferred. This can be setup in the parent portal. Tuition will be charged automatically on the first of every month. Other means of payment accepted - Cash - Check payable to SSDS - Paypal thru DSP- Credit Card (3.5% processing fee) - Venmo (@ssdsdance) photo of a goat in a tutu


LATE FEE -  A $15.00 late fee will be added to tuition payments made after the 15th of the month.

RETURN CHECK FEE - $20.00 charge on all returned checks  


(Charge will be posted to account on 11/1/2024 must be paid in full by 12/15/2024.

All classes require costumes minus Dance Company.

Predance and Primary I and Primary II classes = $75.00 per class

Level I thru IV - $85.00 per class

RECITAL FEE - $40 per dancer due by March 31, 2025 (this fee is to minimize door-to-door fundraising projects for extra costs.) Recital Fee includes Recital T-shirt, Auditorium Rental, Custodian Fees, Sound & Tech, Lighting, Operator Fees, Program Printing, Music Licensing, Insurance Protection, and Video Links to both Saturday Performances.


Classes begin on Monday September 9, 2024 in our new location on Floor 6.

Holiday Show Performance is Jan. 6 thru Jan. 11, 2025 at Bucks County Technical High school

Recital Show Performance is June 2nd thru June 7, 2025 at Bucks County Technical High school


Contact Information:

Studio phone# 215-458-7076

Miss Yvette email - ssdsyvette@gmail.com

Ms Dana email - danastone@steppingstonedancestudio.com


We are very excited for the 2024-2025 season in our new dance studio space on Floor 6..

What to Expect on the First Day

We are very excited to welcome your little dancer to our studio and look forward to seeing them all dressed in their special dance attire! We understand that every child responds differently to new people, environments, and experiences, so your child's first day may not go exactly as you envision.

It's normal for young dancers to feel shy or cling to their parents on their first day. To ease separation anxiety, explain beforehand that you'll be watching them from the parent's lounge and won't leave. Discussing this at home and arriving early can help them feel more comfortable in the new environment.

Our dance classes are designed as a teacher/child class, with studio doors closed to prevent wandering little dancers. We will work with you to gradually help your child transition into the classroom independently, ensuring a positive and happy experience.

Have you ever noticed that when one young dancer begins to cry, the others follow suit? We have observed this as well and it is why we need to have any crying child wait with a parent outside the classroom until they feel confident to come back in. We will make every attempt at calming your child that we possibly can and getting them to join in the class. Sometimes the child is upset just being in the room, so you may calm them down more effectively outside the classroom. Parents of an unsure/shy child should not remain in the studio with the child as we have found that this practice will distract the other dancers in the class and sets the child up to assume the same practice will occur each week.
When one young dancer starts crying, others often follow. Therefore, we ask that any crying child wait with a parent outside the classroom until they feel ready to return. We'll do our best to calm your child and encourage them to join the class. Parents of shy or unsure children should not stay in the studio, as this can distract others and create an expectation for future classes.

Typically, our little dancers enter the room confidently. However, some may need more time to adjust to a teacher/child class. As parents, we won't know until we try. Remember, it can take a few weeks for a child to warm up, even if they love to dance..

On the first day, our main objective is to have each child enter the class independently and comfortably. Success for us is seeing your child participate without distress. However, if your child prefers to observe—whether by sitting quietly, watching from the side, or even remaining at the threshold—please rest assured. This is a natural part of their adjustment and exploration, and they will join in dancing when they feel ready.
We are committed to ensuring a positive experience for every child at our studio, which is why we follow the procedures outlined above. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help!

● Is there required attire for my dancer?
o We require dancers to wear a leotard, tights, and proper dance shoes. This specific attire helps prepare our young dancers for class, signaling that it's time to focus and participate. It also fosters a sense of belonging, as they feel part of the group. Proper attire is crucial; dancers without it may feel out of place, which can affect their participation in class.
● How should my dancer wear their hair?
o We ask to have our dancer’s hair out of their face. Please style your dancer's hair in a bun or a ponytail.
● Is it normal for my dancer not to participate?
o ABSOLUTELY! Each dancer is unique. Some may dive right into class activities, while others might need several weeks to feel fully comfortable. This is completely normal and to be expected. It can take up to 5-6 weeks for some dancers to become fully engaged in class. Consider that everything is new to them—the space, teacher, peers, music, and attire—all of which can be overwhelming. We understand and accommodate the time some dancers need to adjust to the new classroom environment.
● How can I best prepare my dancer for class?
o Arrive early for your first class! Help them get acquainted with their new space.
o Talk to your dancer at home about the class format and expectations to better prepare them. Remind them that you'll be nearby in the lounge during their class. It's also important to talk about classroom behavior and expectations, such as listening to the teacher and taking turns with other dancers. Beyond dance, we aim to teach our young dancers essential social and classroom skills, helping them prepare for preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school.
o Come to class on a consistent basis! Consistency is key at a young age. The better children maintain their weekly schedule, the smoother their adjustment and the more positive their outcomes will be.
o Be on time for class! We understand that delays can occur, but punctuality is crucial for success. Being on time allows dancers to be present from the moment the teacher begins, takes roll, and initiates class activities, setting clear expectations and behaviors. Arriving late means missing these important preparatory moments, which can affect the entire class experience.
● My dancer wanders off during class, and isn't always paying attention. Is this normal? How should I handle it?
o Yes, it's completely normal for our younger dancers to become distracted or wander during class. To keep them engaged, we structure our classes in 5-minute increments, frequently changing activities. Various factors like lack of sleep, hunger, or injury can affect participation. Our teachers are dedicated to keeping dancers as engaged as possible. To minimize distractions, we kindly ask that you refrain from entering the classroom or tapping on the windows, as this can disrupt not only your dancer but the entire class.

Anti-bullying Policy

Stepping Stone Dance Studio commits to anti-bullying. We provide a safe and supportive community that fosters a lifelong love for dance and creative expression. In order to guarantee that all of our dancers are able to best pursue their passion, we have implemented a comprehensive Anti-Bullying Policy applicable to all students, dance families, and staff.

Stepping Stone Dance Studio will not tolerate bullying in any form; physical, emotional, social, or otherwise. Since our goal is to empower others and embrace individuality, one documented bullying event may result in immediate termination of enrollment.

As per the policy above, Stepping Stone Dance Studio recognizes that bullying does not just occur between students. Parents or guardians who harass another student, parent, or Stepping Stone Dance Studio Staff member, may also have repercussions, which could lead to suspension or termination of student.

Please report all incidents of bullying you experience or witness to our Office Manager- Miss Yvette, immediately.

Studio Phone# 215-458-7076

Email: ssdsyvette@gmail.com

There will be no refunds given if a student is suspended or enrollment is terminated due to a bullying occurrence.

At Stepping Stone Dance Studio, respect and compassion are two of our core values. Our dancers have a right to learn and develop their art in a positive and respectful environment.